Wednesday, March 12

Mobile App Marketing Insights: How Consumers Really Find and Use Your Apps?

Apps have become an integral part of our lives. Our day begins with using our smart phones, be it alarm or the notes you had made for today. Starting from scheduling your events to checking that Facebook notification, apps have made its way deep into our lives. In such a wide usage area, what better business than creating an app and earning profits. money earn app App development is a tricky task and what’s more tricky is marketing your app and making people use your app. App discovery is the first step in app marketing strategy. In present scenario, there are many apps which are abandoned in the app store just because people don’t know about their existence. This is an alarming condition and should be tackled immediately. Until your app is discovered, it will never make it into the app competition. In this article, we will through some marketing insights on How Consumers Really Find and Use Your Apps?

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Before diving deep into it, let us understand what app marketing is. App Marketing includes developing marketing strategies, promoting app in various platforms and also development of key areas for enhancing the performance of the app. money earning apps Now, when you understand the meaning of app marketing, we can focus on its importance. As stated before, app development is tricky and so is app marketing. Until you make people to download your app, all that hard work that you have out in app development won’t make any sense and meaning, The key strategy is app discovery. If your app is not surfacing, people will never know it and hence your app will be left abandoned, no matter how good it is. Let us understand how app discovery takes place. 

Search Engines: When people want an app for a specific purpose, they google it. It’s that simple. Before trying an app directly, they prefer searching for a function and then look for relevant apps. In a study in 2016, it was found around 40% of app discovery takes places through search queries. This is a whooping quantity. This lay emphasis on Search Engine Optimization for your app. Increasing your app’s visibility can be started by optimizing it with search engines. 

Advertising; Yes, advertising. Still today, advertising is one of the key ways of reaching customers. Like other commodities, an effective app advertising strategy can do wonders for you. People plug into TV and video streaming platforms quite often. And if this can be put into right direction, it can be really effective. Around 20% of app discovery takes place through ads and this creates a wonderful opportunity to show case your product. Integrating ads into YouTube and other video streaming services can be done. TV ads need investments but are really effective as well money earn apps.   

Social Media: Social Media has always been a focus point for marketing. After all, you get so many people under a common roof. The content targeted to people in these web services are a key ingredient in app discovery. And this is pretty easy too. Just maintain social media accounts, keep your page updated and frequently advertise about your app through many of the plans available in Facebook, Instagram and other platforms. These are some of the ways by which app discovery occurs. If you want to increase your visibility, you can also switch to app review websites and also few marketing firms which specifically make strategies to reach out to more audience. Also, keep updating your app and regularly add new features. Many apps are discarded from app store because of inactivity. So make sure your app page is always active no matter people are using it or not. 

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