Wednesday, March 12



Increase your app reach through ASO

You have created an app and you're close to place it on play store. But before placing it on a platform, it's always recommended to offer an idea on the simplest word which can perfectly describe your app and also know your targeted audience. Before jumping in river it's advice to understand the depth of water, similarly Before jumping in app sell advised to understand your competitor, their weakness and also their strength. at the present there are about 2.2 million iOS and a couple of .8 million Android apps that are easily available to everyone with smartphone or tablets. So, there are often an enormous number of app which is left unnoticed. In recent survey by an organisation on “why apps are unnoticed”, they find that maximum of the unnoticed apps aren't optimized. Hence it's suggeste...

Android app reviews and installs.

If you have a good application and want it to be visible to the potential users in the app stores. At that point, reviews and ratings become more valuable. Reviews and ratings can convey how good the app is! Also, the search engine algorithm considers reviews of an application for its search result rank.  Having said that, we also need to consider the present day scenario. There are more than 2 million apps in Google Play Store and Apple Store combined. Each and every application is competing for visibility in the concerned app stores. App Store Optimisation or ASO incorporates numerous strategies to optimize the app for the search engine results. This method is organic and time taking.   It has been observed that the reviews and the ratings of an application are able to help the sam...

12 Questions Answered About App Reviews

Find complementary colors or shades. I can even match colors to the flowers in our backyard, for our sunroom. Thank you, Benjamin Moore, for making great paints and now this awesome app! This is a great app for identifying buy app store ratings potential paint colors from an inspirational photo. It does not, nor was it designed to, match colors, although the latest version is greatly improved in the area of color accuracy. I have enjoyed developing color palettes from photographs and then sharing them on Facebook. If you spend a little time learning how to use it I am sure you will find it fun and useful. This app is cool. Doesn't come close to the color but gives you a bearing. If you really want a exact match you need to bring in a sample to your Benjamin Moore store and they can do i...